Manifesting Tips

Manifesting is not as difficult as it can seem. I would like to share some of my insights and techniques I’ve learned over the past 20 years for purposeful manifesting. First I want to say…we really do manifest all the time! Believe it or not …everything that’s in your life right now is there because you manifested it! So be careful what you think about for you could be drawing events, people and things to you just like a magnet.

When I attempt to purposely manifest something I make sure that I’m ready and willing to accept what I’m asking for. I’ve learned to be prepared because some of things I manifested have passed right by me and have gone to someone else because I wasn’t ready! I now know once you state you want something God and the Universe work together to bring it to you as fast as they can!

At times when I’ve attempted to manifest something into my life I have found that I was subject of human nature. I assumed that the first person or the first whatever that appeared was the one I was asking for. Sometimes that person or object looked like what I was hoping for. Maybe they, or it, just happened be in the vicinity at the time, and I assumed that they were the one that I was asking for! After some of those times it would take me several months to attempt to manifest anything else.

When manifesting I found that being specific as possible works best. I focus on the what, when and I leave the how up to God and Universe. I’ve been able to manifest things like; my soulmate, jobs, the perfect house, trips, and even something as small as a parking spot for myself. I know that God and the Universe wants each one of us to be happy and are waiting for us to ask them for something! So ask!

I found the more I purposely manifested things, the more I learned to refine my requests and I was able to keep my focus on what I was trying to manifest. I found it became second nature to having my life the way I wanted it! I also found that every time I grew or changed my mind, I got to manifest my life all over again! I’m always happy and thankful to God and the Universe for my many blessings. I consider the answers to my manifestations as blessings!

I’ve offered help to many others as a manifesting coach, by helping them to determine what they really wanted to manifest. I’ve also helped some to feel worthy of having their heart’s desire and got them on the tract to manifesting. Others I’ve helped just needed confirmation that they were manifesting the right things to get the results they wanted.